Suzgo Kuchile Gondwe here, a dedicated Malawian youth Theologian and passionate Religious Education teacher. A holder of Diploma in Theology and Bachelor's Degree In Theology
Currently I am a student of Masters Degree in Ministry and Pastoral Leadership. Embracing this calling fills me with joy, recognizing the vastness of the field and the scarcity of those devoted to it. Together, let's unite our efforts to uplift the kingdom, working hand in hand to contribute to a greater purpose.
Hi Suzgo,
I really appreciate and resonate with your statement: "Embracing this calling fills me with joy, recognizing the vastness of the field and the scarcity of those devoted to it. Together, let's unite our efforts to uplift the kingdom, working hand in hand to contribute to a greater purpose." I am elevated by the opportunity to engage in this study with others like you, all of us working in various ways and capacities, around the world, to bring strength, nourishment, healing, and expansion to the body of Christ. Wonderful to join together on the journey.