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Skye Stemmons
Skye Stemmons

Greetings fellow students! My name is W.S. "Skye" Stemmons.

In my life, there has been a persistent sense within and through input from others that God’s plan for my life involves service to others. This was affirmed through activities in my youth that I enjoyed. These included leadership positions in high school, JROTC, Boy Scouts, giving talks at schools, and other leadership development programs I pursued.

I actively pursued my call to serve others through my adult vocation in public safety. Initially, I had no inclination or intention to serve in the church in a licensed or ordained capacity. I was content with serving in various ‘lay’ capacities including acolyte, participating in various projects, and annual events. God orchestrated my call into vocational church ministry even through a series of disappointments.

Ultimately living through a traumatic brain injury seemed to give me the greatest clarity. During this turning point in my life, God presented a clear opportunity to serve in my home church on the vestry. Also, during this time other opportunities presented themselves such as beginning the Education for Ministry program and becoming licensed under the cannons of the Episcopal Church in ministries.

This began the affirmation of my call to ordained ministry, through the licensing process for Worship Leader, and Pastoral Leader, and serving as Clerk of the Vestry, and Senior Warden of Saint David’s I began to focus on my purpose in Christ’s Kingdom.

Most recently I have grown into a more full understanding of the call to ordained ministry. God has placed many unique experiences in my life to shape and prepare me for the work of administrating, chaplaining, leading worship, teaching, and being entrusted with the sacraments to provide communion under special circumstances.

In my personal life, I have experienced the power of the Blessing of the Resurrection and Christs’ charge when He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” This charge has inspired hope to change my life and bring joy out of sorrow. I am empowered by my life’s experiences and lessons, to care for others in a way that would not be possible without God the Father.

Through my initial call to ministry based on service to others, I now see that it was all a part of God preparing me for His work. I would not have made the choices I have on my own, and that has made all the difference. Today I stand fully affirmed that I am called to the priesthood in the Episcopal Church, to remain active and expand my role as Chaplain of the Alaska Dive, Search, Rescue, and Recovery Team, and to engage other ministries as they become known. I continue to seek God, His leading, and His calling on my life. I will also continue to in my studies, and active engagement of the Gospel of our Risen Lord.

Skye Stemmons
Skye Stemmons
Feb 03, 2024

Thank you Christopher. It would be great to connect. My email is


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