Denominational Programs | Queens College
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Denominational Programs

Queens College of Theology is a nonsectarian theological school. It is dedicated to educating future leaders in religious life. Seminaries are typically affiliated with a particular religious denomination and may or may not be affiliated with a larger university. We recommend that you contact the denominational seminaries that interest you for additional information about their programs, resources, and student life. While we remain a nonsectarian theological school, we will offer non-denominational ordination for those who are determined to be trained and educated in theology or Christian Education by our institution or seminary. You can read more about our ordinations by clicking here. 

Queens College of Theology cultivates the skills necessary for professional ministry in a post-denominational world. Our institution cannot guarantee that it meets the specific training or licensure of specific denominations, and we encourage students interested in exploring the possibility of ordination within any Christian tradition to work closely with leaders from that tradition, as they learn about the requirements and possibilities for ministry, and the ways in which their own gifts will be celebrated.

The links below connect with some information about a small few of the traditions: 

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