Honors Program | Queens College
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Academic Honors


Students are eligible for academic honor and awards based upon their successes within the seminary. Students will be automatically awarded honors based upon set criteria directed by the Dean of Students. The Honors Program at Queens College of Theology is designed to help you achieve your highest intellectual and creative potential with supportive and credentialed faculty. 

Undergraduate Honors

Deans List
Any student enrolled in an undergraduate program of study who carries a minimum grade point average of 3.5 and no more than a maximum grade point average of 4.0 will be automatically awarded and added to the Deans List. No awarded credential is given, however Signia is designated within the student portal and a press release is administered on behalf of the student by the College Communications Department. 

Chancellors Club
If a student achieves a credential from an undergraduate, graduate and doctorate program then they will be awarded with a specialized designed trophy award, and given life-long membership to the alumni subgroup of "Chancellors Club"

Graduate Honors

Cum Laude
Students admitted into a graduate or doctorate program will be automatically awarded the status of "Cum Laude" if the student maintains a minimum grade point average of 3.5 and a maximum grade point average of 3.7. The student will be eligible for a medallion award at commencement. 

Magna Cum Laude
Students admitted into a graduate or doctorate program will be automatically awarded the status of "Magna Cum Laude" if the student maintains a minimum grade point average of 3.8 and a maximum grade point average of 3.9. The student will be eligible for a medallion award at commencement. 

Summa Cum Laude

Students admitted into a graduate or doctorate program will be automatically awarded the status of "Summa Cum Laude" if the student maintains a minimum grade point average of 3.9 and a maximum grade point average of 4.0. IF the student achieves a grade point average higher than 4.0, they will be eligible for the Summa Cum Laude award with special recognition. All Summa Cum Laude students will be eligible for a medallion at commencement. 

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